
Beneficiary Profile

Leading the revolution in youth mental health

Orygen believes that all young people deserve to grow into adulthood with optimal mental health. Everything they do is focused on that outcome.

Most mental health disorders begin between the early teens to the mid-20s. One in five young people will have experienced a depressive episode by the time they turn 18. Orygen believes in treating early and focusing on recovery. Pioneering reform to deliver real-world practical solutions. Never settling for anything less than what young people need and deserve.

Working directly with young people, their families and friends, they pioneer new, positive approaches to the prevention and treatment of mental disorders.

Orygen uses research and evidence-based practice to develop and provide innovative training programs and resources. Their ultimate goal is to see young people with mental ill-health getting well and staying well. Now that’s a revolution in mind.

Advancing Medical Research Through
Social Impacts
Capacity Building
Health Impacts
Further Reading