Driving Change for Muscular Dystrophy

CaSe STudy

Supporting cutting-edge research through scholarships to enhance the quality of life for those with neuromuscular conditions.

The Challenge

Neuromuscular conditions affect individuals from birth to adulthood, causing muscle weakness, loss of mobility, pain, and fatigue. These conditions vary in severity and onset, often leading to significant disability. In Australia, 40,000 people live with a neuromuscular condition, with approximately 13,000 residing in NSW.

Project Overview 

This project aims to: 

  • Provide financial support to PhD students.
  • Facilitate collaboration between researchers, institutions, and organisations.
  • Develop new treatments and improve the lives of individuals affected by neuromuscular conditions.

Project Outcomes

  • Facilitate Collaboration: Promote extensive collaboration to ensure research findings are widely disseminated and impactful.
  • Support PhD Students: Fund two PhD students to work on cutting-edge research projects.
  • Improve Quality of Life: Enhance the quality of life for people living with neuromuscular conditions.
  • Reduce Healthcare Costs: Decrease healthcare costs associated with ongoing care and symptom management.
  • Inform Decisions: Provide critical findings to inform the development of new treatments.

Measuring Impact

Hearts and Minds measures its impact against six core categories as developed by the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes. Key highlights include:

Advancing Knowledge
  • Extensive collaboration among researchers, institutions, and organisations to ensure significant impact on the field.
Research Capacity Building
  • Funding support for two PhD students, allowing them to develop their skills and work on innovative research projects.
Health Impacts
  • Potential to significantly improve the quality of life for those living with neuromuscular conditions.
Economic Impacts
  • Potential to reduce healthcare costs related to the management of neuromuscular conditions.
Informing Decisions
  • Findings from the study will guide the development of new treatments for neuromuscular conditions.

This project aims to transform the lives of individuals with neuromuscular conditions through research and collaboration.

Funding support from Hearts and Minds Investments, as nominated by Core Fund Manager, Magellan.

This content was last updated in July 2024, for further information visit Muscular Dystrophy NSW.